From Cayuse, Oregon to Redmond, Oregon

Full information about route from Cayuse, Oregon to Redmond, Oregon: Car route, bicycle route, fuel consumption, distance between cities in a straight line and on roads, average speed, intermediate cities and many other information.

Head south on North Cayuse Road 0.162 ml (1m)
Turn left 0.012 ml (4s)
Turn right onto Cayuse Road, CR 900 0.971 ml (1m)
Keep right onto Cayuse Road, CR 900 4.67 ml (6m)
Turn right onto Emigrant Road, CR 900 1.64 ml (3m)
Turn left onto South Market Road, OR 331 1.92 ml (2m)
Turn right 2.71 ml (3m)
Keep left onto Old Oregon Trail Highway, I 84 5.34 ml (5m)
Keep left onto Old Oregon Trail Highway, I 84, US 395 18.7 ml (18m)
Keep left onto Old Oregon Trail Highway, I 84, US 30 84.1 ml (1h 21m)
Keep right 0.24 ml (37s)
Turn left onto Sherman Highway, US 97 55.8 ml (1h 7m)
Keep right onto Sherman Highway, US 97 37 ml (44m)
Turn left onto Northeast Oak Street 0.049 ml (11s)
Turn right onto Northeast 7th Street 0.338 ml (45s)
Turn right onto Southeast C Street 0.273 ml (35s)
Turn left onto Southwest 2nd Street 0.66 ml (1m)
Turn left onto Southwest J Street 0.121 ml (15s)
Turn right onto 4th Street, US 26, US 97 25.5 ml (32m)
Turn right onto Southwest Evergreen Avenue 0.194 ml (33s)
Arrive at Southwest Evergreen Avenue, on the right

General information about route from Cayuse, Oregon to Redmond, Oregon

Distance between Cayuse and Redmond
16 ml
Flight time by plane between Cayuse and Redmond
Distance between Cayuse and Redmond by car
24 ml
Driving time from Cayuse to Redmond by car
17h 12m
Fuel consumption for the route Cayuse — Redmond
7 gl
The cost of fuel for the route Cayuse — Redmond
USD 19.50

Intermediate cities on the route Cayuse — Redmond by car

Pendleton Oregon;
Stanfield Oregon;
Irrigon Oregon;
Boardman Oregon;
Madras Oregon;
Terrebonne Oregon;